Saturday, February 24, 2007

Towards Improved Health

Towards improved health for the rest of our life is a commitment we make to our self. It is much more than a wish list or a typical New Year’s resolution. It is about embracing life in its totality and reality.

We often seem to have a need to know something about something, including even irrelevant things that don’t seem to affect us directly or indirectly. Knowing something does not necessarily mean that we understand the spirit behind the content. The interface between knowing and understanding is application. Applying information and knowledge to practical situations in life helps to internalize and understand its essence. Good health is a topic that fits this category and context. Information for improving and maintaining good health is available in abundance via books, audiotapes, CD’s, DVD’s, and TV shows. However to understand the essence of all that information, we have to begin implementing it on a daily basis with enthusiasm and commitment. Out of it gradually emerges the real purpose behind it. Improved health is the most precious gift we can give to our self and enjoy it thoroughly for the rest of our life.

“Every illness has got a root cause in the mind. When the mind is calm and relaxed, all illnesses can be controlled. By combining mantras (mental affirmations) and breathing techniques, the mind cleansing procedure becomes simple and easy”. This is the beginning message on a cassette titled “Soham – Mind Cleansing” by Dr. V. Sukumaran of the International Institute of Reiki based in Chennai, India. It is an instructional tape on Soham – mind-cleansing technique. You take in a deep breath when Dr. Sukumaran’s voice on tape prompts “So“ and then you breathe out when the voice prompts “Humm“. Dr. Sukumaran guides you through four speeds in which to repeat the breathing pattern of “So” and “Humm”. You simply follow the rhythm of the voice which guides you through four speeds including slow, medium, fast and rapid. The tape runs for 20 minutes. Early morning hours are conducive for this meditative exercise and provide a good way to jump-start the morning. Reminding the mind early in the morning that “Every illness has a root cause in the mind” sets a pattern of healthy consciousness. Medicines do not ensure long term good health. Mental and physical exercises do.

The human mind is capable of consciously producing positive thoughts as well as negative thoughts. Thoughts may be comprehended as bursts of energy. Whether these bursts of energy should be positive or negative is a choice we as individuals consciously make every moment throughout the day and everyday. Positivism energizes our life energy, where as negativity saps it

Through the evolutionary process, Mother Nature has given the human species a brain with the capability for thinking and applying logic; but without any guarantee that it would be used or utilized in a specific manner. We have to make a conscious choice and effort to use our brain for positive thoughts. Brain is the seat of our so-called mind.

Positive thoughts in the mind create positive energy. Positive energy is the driving force that advances our consciousness towards a healthy, harmonious, happy, productive, meaningful and satisfied life. Satisfaction is the ultimate intangible reward and asset.

Positivism is not an intellectual pursuit. Its driving seat is the heart. Trying to understand a fact of life from an intellectual point of view provides one view. Understanding the same fact of life from your heart provides another view, a different dimension.

Human mind and heart generate separate energies. Mind is the epicenter of human consciousness. Heart is the epicenter of nature's rhythm. Harmonize mind and heart to minimize emotional toxins and maximize life energy ~ to ensure good health.

A positive frame of mind provides a platform for human consciousness to soar to newer dimensions that support our life energy. These are dimensions of personal experience that cannot be captured by words of any language. Human life blossoms in rational positivism and optimism. Wisdom of Man through ages guides us in this direction.

Success and failure are judgments of the mind. For one individual a failure is a stepping-stone to success. For another individual, the same kind of failure is a cause for mental depression. In the same context ~ joy and sadness, good and evil, prosperity and adversity are simply the perceptions of the mind. Our mind can create and the same mind can distract as well.

For one individual, the perception of life success is based on accumulating wealth and fame. Another individual defines or perceives life success as having a loving family and friends, enough daily bread and a simple house for shelter; even though that is all that is affordable. This is the individual that makes the simple house a “Home”, a place to want to return to ~ always. This home generally houses a happy and healthy family.

One of our nephews, Ajit Harisinghani, said mischievously one day that he would rather die being rich and miserable, rather than being poor and miserable! The words such as rich, poor, and miserable are levels of our consciousness. Each one of us has to make conscious choices and take full responsibility for how we judge ourselves. Our over-all health depends on it.

Good health is a composite fabric woven out of life’s innate sources and the worldly resources. Life’s innate sources give us what we are born with; and the worldly resources are those that we take from life to become what we want to be. Good and normal health at birth is an innate natural source in the form of inheritance. Be thankful for it. Poor to bad health at birth is not a curse or your fate. Adversity is a noble teacher in disguise. Respect it and learn from it. Good health during lifetime is an attitude to build and maintain throughout life.

Toxins adversely affect our body and mind. Toxins in the basic form of solid, liquid, gas, microorganisms, and combinations thereof are present in food, water and air. Toxins are also negative thoughts, actions, and utterances which generate corresponding negative consequences within and without.

Good health is an important ingredient of a healthy and positive mind. Positivism helps redefine basic concepts of real happiness in life. Positive daily affirmations give each one of us an opportunity to be reborn daily.

Having passion for something in life promotes good health; it must be your own passion stemming straight out of your heart. American comedian George Burns, who always appeared on stage smoking a cigar, was being honored on his 95th birthday by ABC network channel. He was asked about the secret of his longevity. In response George offered a simple comment, “Fall in love with your work”. In the same interview George was asked ~ how many cigars do you smoke every day? 10 to 12 was the response. What do your doctors say about it? They are all dead replied comedian George Burns.

An attitude towards a healthy life:

Live not for living’s sake.
Life is a sweet and delicious cake.
Appreciate the design and the icing.
Relish the tasty wholesomeness of the cake,
Instead of looking beneath for the burnt lining.

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